

Automatic typesetting: provide customers with single plate automatic typesetting software, while improve the typesetting speed, greatly improve the material utilization.

Automatically set: lead on metal machining, laser must be out after a certain period of time, to achieve the best cutting effect, therefore, we provide the introduction of lead wire, bypass and micro connections, and other functions, make uninterrupted out under the condition of light, of cutting all the graphics once completed, neither affects machining efficiency, also can guarantee the machining process.

A total line: to provide automatic common cutting and ladder type common cutting function.In typesetting, can do it for all the graphics path planning, will have the edge of the graphics processing, on the edge of the graphics, a total of only edge in machining again can be completed, enhance the efficiency and save the energy consumption


Optimal trajectory intelligent adjustment: according to the sheet cutting graphics, automatic computing optimal path, make whole shortest path, takes the least, improve overall efficiency.At the same time also can be adjusted according to their own processing requirements of artificial trajectory, meet various processing requirements

切割补偿:针对精度要求极高的零部件切割,优能激光采用切割补偿手法,有效矫正因切口或其它因素造成的细微误差,保证加工成品的尺寸与设计尺寸完美 吻合。
Cutting compensation: in view of the high accuracy of parts cut, best can laser cutting compensation technique, effectively correct the subtle error caused by the incision or other factors, to ensure processing the size of the finished product in accordance with the design size is perfect.

下料管理:为客户提供分解图形的功能。支持d x f2004和plt格式文件,闭合图形的导入,plt以及优能激光专用gld格式文件的导出功能。如果导入的gld或dxf格式文件中,包含多个图形,排版软件能够自动将各个图形分解成单独的图形。
Blanking management: to provide clients with decomposition of graphics functions.Support d x f2004 and PLT format file, closed graphics import, PLT and laser optimal dedicated GLD format file export function.If the import of GLD or DXF format file, containing multiple graphics, various graphics into typesetting software can automatically separate graphics.

为客户提供详细的下料工艺卡。对本次排版,利用率,样本片数.加工时间有详  细说明。
To provide process track, and the trajectory simulation shows.Export GLD special format on the laser machine, according to the generated trajectory for processing, can also provide nc code, on the welding machine for processing.
To provide customers with detailed blanking process card.For the layout, utilization, sample number. Processing time have detail description.


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