

Bed body advantage: best to large metal laser cutting machine according to the machine tool manufacturing process is complete, the bed body strong.Each machine tools before assembling, the bed body annealing aging treatment, in this way, it effectively ensures the user use process in the future, the laser machine durable, not out of shape.At present domestic producers, only a handful of companies follow the same manufacturing process.
Optimal can large-format laser metal cutting machine manufacturing operator European CE standards, with international advanced level.

Precision drive system: compared with similar products on the market, superior to large metal laser cutting machine hardware obvious advantages, it USES the high performance of pinion and rack drive system, effectively guarantee the cutting precision, and adopts industrial machine dedicated Japan yaskawa motor.

Technology advantage: according to the in-depth study of different thickness plate processing, we especially developed with various cutting thickness corresponding to the cutting head and cutting mouth (cutting nozzle diameter is 1.6 MM to 1.6 MM optional), to choose different plates of different thickness of cutting nozzle to make sure the best cutting effect, ensure your different thickness plate cutting effect is highly consistent.

Intelligent cold water machine: can optimal laser independent research and development of intelligent cold water machine, through the equipment to ion system, it can know the various aspects of water pressure, water quality, and is equipped with alarm system, guarantee the timeliness of maintenance, greatly improving the service life of laser.

Servo af, precision cutting: the induction sensitive capacitance type servo af system, laser opportunity, according to the thickness of the material and shape of the deformed plate automatically choose the best focal length, which ensures the best focusing effect and cutting effect, and avoid the uneven thickness and different, as a result of processing the focal length change, dispense manual focus cumbersome and inefficient for you.Can and optimal laser can also provide customers with one-piece or split type rotating device, so, in the circular tube processing, can be punched, slotting, cutting and so on all kinds of complicated process, so as to ensure the diversity of the processing and integration.


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